How to Learn English Quickly with These Amazing Apps


What's up guys! Beauty? So, I was thinking these days about how life is a constant rollercoaster, right? Like, you're there, having fun, and suddenly, BAM, there's a twist. But it's funny, because that's what makes it interesting.

Sometimes, we catch ourselves thinking: “I wonder if anyone else has the same crazy vibe as me?” And that's why I'm here, throwing ideas around and having an informal chat, because sharing experiences, tips and laughter are part of this crazy journey called life.


Let's face it, there's something magical about finding people who enjoy the same things as us, right? Like when you discover a new show or song that gets you hooked and you just want to tell everyone about it. And that's exactly what I want to do here, exchange a relaxed idea about everything and nothing at the same time. After all, life is too short to stick to the basics, so why not enjoy every moment, make things simple and laugh a lot along the way?

1. HelloTalk

Oh man, have you heard of HelloTalk? It's like salvation for those who want to improve their English in a different way. This stop connects you with natives who speak the language you are learning, so imagine the vibe of being able to exchange ideas with someone who really knows Paranauês, you know?


The trick is that at HelloTalk you not only learn the basics, but also get into real English culture and slang. Just think, you text, make voice calls and even correct each other's texts.

It's like having a foreign friend in the palm of your hand, ready to help you understand the most annoying aspects of the language. And the coolest thing? You learn in practice, without sticking to the same old grammar.

2. Memrise

Ah, bro, have you ever heard of this app called Memrise? It's like a ninja trick for learning languages. They use crazy tricks, like spaced repetition and mnemonic schemes, to make you remember words and phrases in a way that really sticks in your head. It's like magic, but without a wand.

The thing is that Memrise has a ton of courses, so you can learn English, Spanish, French, whatever you want. And the best thing is that it's all in the palm of your hand, so you can fit in some lessons on the bus, in line at the grocery store, wherever.

There's no excuse for not learning a new language anymore, you know? And best of all, it's super interactive, there are some games and challenges that make learning more fun than a weekend series marathon. So, if you're in the mood to brush up on the language, Memrise is the way to go, my friend. Come on, the world is waiting!

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HelloTalk / Memrise

3 Positive Points: HelloTalk

  1. Interaction with Natives: HelloTalk's greatest asset is the opportunity to interact directly with native speakers of the language you are learning. Being able to exchange messages, make voice calls and even correct each other's texts is an immersive experience that throws you into the language in an authentic and practical way.
  2. Relaxed atmosphere: The app provides a relaxed and friendly environment for language learning. Unlike many traditional methods, HelloTalk is more informal, which makes learning less intimidating and more like a conversation between friends. This facilitates the development of language skills naturally.
  3. Cultural diversity: In addition to learning the language itself, HelloTalk gives you the chance to immerse yourself in the culture of the country of the language you are studying. Exchanging cultural experiences with native speakers enriches learning, providing a deeper understanding of the language, its everyday uses and cultural peculiarities. This cultural diversity contributes to more complete and meaningful learning.

3 Positive Points: Memrise

  1. Playful and Interactive Approach: Memrise uses a playful and interactive approach to language learning. It incorporates gamification elements, such as games and challenges, to make the process more engaging and fun. This approach helps users maintain interest and motivation during lessons, making learning a more enjoyable experience.
  2. Efficient Memorization Methods: The app employs advanced memorization techniques, such as spaced repetition and mnemonics, to optimize retention of vocabulary and concepts. These methods are backed by research in cognitive neuroscience and help users remember information more effectively over the long term, facilitating the learning process.
  3. Variety of Courses and Languages: Memrise offers a wide variety of courses in different languages, ranging from the most common languages to the less conventional ones. This diversity allows users to choose specific courses to suit their needs and interests. Additionally, Memrise's active community creates and shares custom courses, providing an even wider range of options for learners.


Hey, we talked about some cool apps today, right? Like, this digital era is opening up a range of incredible opportunities to learn languages in a more real and cool way. HelloTalk, for example, is like having friends from all over the world in the palm of your hand, and the cultural exchange is sensational. Memrise, with its memorization tricks, is like having a personal coach to boost your vocabulary once and for all.

And the moral of the story is that learning English, or any other language, doesn't have to be that boring and monotonous stopover. Today's apps are transforming the experience into something more dynamic, more interactive.

Whether exchanging ideas with native speakers on HelloTalk or gamifying learning with Memrise, there is a movement to make the process more accessible and fun. So, let's jump on this bandwagon, because now there's no excuse for not mastering English while having fun, right? The language is just the beginning, my friend!

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